Adi Shankaracharya was born as Shankaraabout 788 AD in a Brahmin family in Kaladi village of Kerala. He was born to Sivaguru and Aryamba a number of years after their marriage. It is said that Aryamba had a vision of Lord Shiva, in which He promised her that He would incarnate Himself in the form of her first-born child. The life history of Adi Shankracharya tells us that he showed great intelligence from childhood. He mastered all the Vedas and the Vedanta in gurukul itself and could recite the epics and Puranas by heart.

In 1973, Paramahamsa Satyananda Saraswati was recognized as an Adept (God realized Yogi). The International Yoga Convention was held to commemorate the Sanyasa Golden Jubilee renunciation of Swami Sivananda. It was here that renowned saints and sages of India accepted him as one of the principal experts in the filed of esoteric knowledge as well as the leading proponent of Yoga. In the years that he devoted to Yoga teaching, Swami Satyananda Saraswati mastered over eighty Yoga texts. He renounced teaching, in 1988, to take up the lifestyle of a Paramahamsa. After settling in the small village of Rikhia, he led a life of meditative seclusion and was involved in the practice of the severest of the Vedic Sadhanas, such as the Panch Agni Sadhana. He entered into Mahasamadhi on midnight the 5th of December, 2009.

Swami Niranjananada has authored many classic books on yoga, tantra and the upanishads. He is a profound source of knowledge and wisdom on all aspects of yogic philosophy, practice and lifestyle. He has travelled far and wide to spread the message of his guru and to guide seekers throughout the world through 2009. He now has started a new phase of sannyasa life as per the command of his guru.

When teaching yoga, Mr. Uprety uses the name given
him by his guru when he was initiated into Karma Sannyasa: Sannyasi
Swami Vishnuswaroop received his Diploma in
Yogic Studies from Bihar Yoga Bharati. He is a disciple of Swami Satyananda
Saraswati and was trained under the direct guidance and supervision of Swami
Niranjanananda Saraswati in the Guru Kula tradition of Bihar School of
Swami Vishnuswaroop has authored several books
on classical Yoga, Tantra, and Meditation. He has been teaching yoga and
meditation to both Nepali and foreign nationals for more than fifteen years.
Divine Yoga Institute is a registered yoga studio with the Government of Nepal and with the
International Yoga Federation.